The Best SUMMER FASHION TRENDS for 2023! Everything is linked here & in the comments!
1. Blue & White Floral Dress (XS):
Similar options:
2. Maxi Skirt (XS):
3. SKIMS Dress (XS):
4. Jumpsuit (XS):
5. Crochet Cardigan Top (XS):
6. AGOLDE Shorts (25):
7. Crochet Tank (XS):
8. Cargo Pants (2):
Similar Options:
9. Overalls (XS):
10. Layered Necklace:
11. Bodychain:
12. Christian Dior Bronzer (05 – Warm Bronze):
Gucci Bronzer (03-Medium):
13. Too Faced Skin Tint (Natural Beige):
14. Oribe Wave & Shine Spray:
15. Western Boots:

#fashiontrends #summertrends #summerhaul
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*FTC Disclaimer: This video was in collaboration with Nordstrom, but all products were purchased with my own money & all opinions are my own. I use affiliate links. As a customer, you do not pay any more or less because of an affiliated link. A small percentage of the sale will go to the person who generated the link. Thank you for your support of my channel!

Happy summer guys I'm back with 15 Wearable summer fashion trends and Essentials so these are these are these Are great you're gonna love them you're Gonna be so stylish and glowy this Summer so everything in this video is From Nordstrom you guys know how much I Love them it'll all be linked Down Below In the description box and also pinned In the comment section up first we have This stunning summer dress with the blue And white floral pattern that I am Obsessed with so many people are though This is such a a trend subtly even Though it's a very very classic print But it's definitely making a big Comeback so this is a beautiful dress That is very flowy really easy to wear You can really customize it by tying the Straps at the top so that fits you Really nicely Um you can wear heels with it you can Wear flats with it you can swirl around But it is just such a beautiful dress For so many occasions maxi skirts are Also a big Trend right now and I was Kind of unsure about this I think in Other colors or maybe like a solid Pattern I wouldn't love it so much but Because of the dainty Daisy pattern and The light blue just just it's so Feminine it really made me love it so I Just added a a tighter crop top or tank Top on the top and I feel like that

Really balances it out nicely the length Is perfect again if you want to wear Heels with it you can or you can wear Flats and make it very casual this is The last dress in the video but this Skims long tight dress is a trend in Itself I mean people love this so much They cannot keep it in stock it comes in So many colors but I think the black is The only one fully in stock but to me The black is the most wearable and it's Really just it's the material that I Think does it it's so stretchy and So Soft even pregnant ladies love it so Much I see pregnant people actually Wearing this a lot because it's so Stretchy that as they continue to get Bigger or gain weight or even women that Lose weight like this just continues to Fit them really nicely anything Crocheted is another huge trend for 2023 So I've got several options but I first Want to start with this jumpsuit because It just takes the brain work out of Everything is just an instant outfit it Looks like there's actually two pieces Here but it's all connected so you just Put it on and it just it looks like it's Very coordinated the pants are also kind Of like a linen flowy style which is Also another Trend so it kind of Incorporates two Trends in one it's by The Brand Lucky which is super high Quality and I am wearing an extra small

So as I mentioned you know I'll have Things linked down below but I'll also Put my sizing details beside everything Just because I know that's helpful and Then we have this crocheted cardigan Which is so pretty and so detailed I Love the way it looks you just need to Throw in like a cami or a tank top Underneath of it obviously I'm making it Very very casual with these denim shorts Which I'm gonna get to in a second but As long as you have something underneath Of it you could even wear it with dress Pants and wear this to the office it's Just a really nice top that you can Dress up or down but let's talk about These shorts because this is this is my One of my number one summer Essentials These are the a Goldie these shorts and I want to do a disclaimer they are Expensive they're pricey shorts but Anybody that has them will agree they're The best shorts in the entire world they Just fit you to Perfection truly I Counted and this is literally the fourth Summer that I'm wearing these exact same Shorts so again they're pricey but They're so worth it now this crochet top Definitely couldn't wear it to the Office it's a little bit more revealing But nothing crazy it's obviously not for Everyone I do just really like it so you Just tie the center here and it's a Little bit open near your belly button

But I just think it's a beautiful Summery top again I'm loving the Crocheted detail now I did pair this top With these cargo pants which is the next Trend I have shared cargo pants in some Recent videos but these are different so They're high-waisted they're army green Obviously they've got the pockets but They're more of like a flared style a Lot of the other cargo pants that I have Shared have been just very baggy and Wide leg whereas these are fitted more Around your thigh and then they're Flared out a little bit so I do think That this is something you would want to Wear with a little bit of a heel or Wedges Um but this is such a nice outfit Altogether it's just really earthy uh Natural neutral tones and I'm loving it These summery overalls are another Trend We're seeing uh we initially saw it with Free people with that longer one piece Jumpsuit um that was more in the the Spring and winter this is clearly more Summer because it's shorts I initially Thought this was also for people but It's actually by the brand Billabong Which is another great brand but this Material is so soft it's so comfortable Casual you can adjust the straps right Here to make them longer or shorter like With some of the other outfits just Throw on a tank top a cami even a

T-shirt and then just put this on over Top next I want to share two different Jewelry pieces one item I ordered the Other I didn't I want to start with what I didn't order but I just love I feel Like I don't need it even though I Really want it you guys though might be Interested so this is a layered necklace From Nordstrom that it has Perfect Reviews like full five star reviews Everyone loves this it layers the Necklaces at the perfect height you just Put it on and it just instantly looks Great on your neckline now this body Chain I know it's crazy I ordered this I'm so excited to get it it's not Arriving until tomorrow and we're Actually going on a trip tomorrow Morning and I just this is what it looks Like and I'm so excited to get it I I Feel like some people will be like oh my Gosh I would never wear that but I feel Like if you wear it with your swimsuit It could be just a nice little summer Spark like something that is unexpected You can even wear it with a tank top or A bralette it's so pretty it's just a Beautiful sparkly chain and I am so Excited to get it so anyway I just Thought I would share it's like Something different for Summer Okay so Not only does Nordstrom have really good Trendy pieces for your wardrobe as well As classic items but they also have some

Of my favorite Beauty Brands that I Actually can't get other places so I Recently picked up this Christian Dior Bronzer and I've been loving it it is Designer it's it is a little bit pricey But it's just such a good blendable Bronzer and I feel like bronzer as you Probably agree it's just like perfect For summer it just makes you glowy and So I got the shade warm bronze 005 warm Bronze quick summer Beauty tip when you Are using bronzer consider also using That same shade as your eye shadow that Way everything looks natural and Cohesive my tried and true I'm also Going to link the Gucci bronzer as you Can tell this is actually almost just Gone I like them equally I don't even Know which one I would recommend they're They're they are very similar and to me Maybe it is because they are pricier They just blend on my skin way better Than any other bronzers I've ever had Another beauty product that's perfect For summer and I was shocked at how much I liked this I did not expect to love This it's a skin tint so it's Too Faced Born This Way healthy glow moisturizing Skin tint which makes it sound like it's Gonna do nothing Um I'm not a fan of that I'm wearing it Right now and it it gives like Definitely a thin layer on your skin so It makes your skin look more like skin

But it actually gives a decent amount of Coverage like I would say media I Wouldn't say full coverage but like I Felt It it made my skin look really good Again I'm wearing it right now I've worn It maybe like two or three times so far And it does have a 30 SPF which again is Really good for summer I am so excited About this next hair product for my Vacation this summer so this is the Aribe wave and shine spray so what you Do is you know when you're on vacation When you get back from the pool or the Beach or you get out of the shower and You just don't want to spend too much Time on your hair you just spray this Into damp hair tassel kind of scrunch it A little bit and it just adds a really Pretty wave to your hair along with Shine Um you can definitely use this in dry Hair as well I don't do that I just have A lot of hair for maybe like shoulder Length or up like you can spray this it Gives you some texture but I especially Love this for waves and just like a Beachy vacationing Vibe usually in these Trend videos I do share some in-style Shoes for the season and I haven't thus Far but I am going to insert and Link These western boots from Nordstrom I Love them western boots are just so in Right now and because these are shorter

Like they're not so tall I feel like They're a lot more wearable with a lot Of different outfits so um the price is Also really good they're under 70 a lot Of the western boots that I have in them That I often see like even these are way Over a hundred and they come in so many Colors everything that I shared in this Video will be linked Down Below in the Description box and also pinned in the Comments section please subscribe if you Are new and I will see you in my next One bye