Hey everyone! Today’s video is on summer fashion trends 2023! In this video I discuss style tips and what is in fashion for 2023!

This video is not sponsored! Affiliate links used below. Everything purchased myself unless marked * but nothing specifically for this video.

Tiktok: @alexandra.croney

Top & Bottom size UK 6
Shoe size UK 3

Zara crochet top (size M): N/A
River Island white shorts (size XS):
US link:

Pretty Little Thing blue stripe shirt (size 8):
US link:
Pretty Little Thing blue stripe shorts (size 8):
US link:
Rope sandals (size 3):
US link:

Crochet bag:
US link:
Crochet bucket hat:
US link:

Crochet top as shown:
Crochet colourful co-ord as shown:
US link:
Sofia Richie White dress as shown:
US link:
Sofia Richie White dress as shown:
US link:
White pinstripe jumpsuit as shown:
US link:
Blue off shoulder top as shown:
US link:
Linen co-ord:
Light pink co-ord:
US link:

Light pink shirt (size 10):
US link:
Light pink shorts (size 8):
US link:

Hot pink shirt (size 8):
US link:
Hot pink shorts (size 8):
US link:

Pink rope sandals (size 3):
US link:

[Music] Thank you Hey everyone so today's video is going To be on the summer trends for 2023 so I've kind of done my own research and Also just read quite a lot of different Articles on things on some of the kind Of most popular and fashion trends for This summer season so I really hope you Enjoy it and let's just get straight Into it one of the biggest Trends this Summer are crochet pieces and this can Be in any kind of form so crochet tops So I'm going to insert some photos and Also maybe some video clips if I've got Similar items in my wardrobe Um and I'm just going to insert loads of Photos so you can kind of get what I'm Talking about as I'm speaking throughout This video feels like even more so this Year it's really took off and especially With kind of more kind of straw and rope Materials as well so those rope sandals They're really Um in Trend at the moment for summer too Crochet bucket hats as well seem to be a Big Trend I'm not sure why specifically The crochet bucket hat but they just Seem to be everywhere too so I've got One to show you here which was from Crystal thing it's also incorporating a Bit of pink on there which is a trend I'm gonna kind of get on to throughout This video

Um but if you're really into your color Especially crocheted colored pieces if Maybe you don't want to incorporate too Much of kind of the trend in your Wardrobe even with little things like Your handbag for example going for a Crochet kind of straw looking handbag That just works really well for the Trend as well so just insert a quick Clip of how I would style the crochet Trend obviously you could style it with The crochet bucket hat but I would also Um style it with my tops I find them Very easy to style and mix with Different things if I could fit into my Jeans I would definitely style this top With a pair of jeans and but this Crochet top is just from Zara and it's Got like a little white t-shirt Underneath and then the crochet kind of Vest thing over the top but it's all Built in so you don't have to worry About layering it all yourself and I Really like sorry for their crochet Pieces but also I feel like every brand Is doing a little bit of crochet at the Moment New Look has some great crochet Pieces on their website as well if You're someone that likes a little bit Of color in your wardrobe this crochet Two-piece from boohoo I think would be Perfect to kind of incorporate the trend And you could wear them both separately And together as well and I just think

It's a really cute summer look so the Next big Trend I wanted to speak about Is the coastal granddaughter aesthetic Grandma granddaughter whatever it's a Big kind of trend on Tick Tock but Definitely it's Incorporated throughout All of the fashion brands at the moment Too so basically that's just to kind of Sum it up I would say it's a lot of Linen a lot of blue and white stripes Kind of very beachy Um blue kind of porcelain style clothing And so again I'll insert some photos That kind of explain what it's all about But yeah basically what I've got on here At the moment I would say is a coastal Granddaughter aesthetic basically it's Just kind of like a very beachy relaxed Little bit more mature but worn in a Young way um look so here I've just got On this striped coward so this is just a Striped shirt and a striped pair of Shorts which are from Crystal thing and I've just worn it with this white Cami Top this would be a great way to kind of Style the coastal granddaughter Aesthetic and really I think you can use Things that you probably already have in Your wardrobe so just anything white and Blue together anything that you have Which has a bit of a blue white kind of Florally pattern on just think of Beach Ocean all that kind of stuff so the next Big trend for summer is kind of very

Classy old school old money Vibes Outfits and I feel like this was very Much kind of pushed out there even more So with Sophia Richie's wedding Especially her style I feel like that's Just a big Trend all in itself at the Moment moment so what I mean by that Kind of style is it's all very Sophisticated very chic and put together A little bit kind of French in a way as The outfits are quite simple Um but they're still very tailored and Fitted and again quite mature looking I Feel like that's quite a big Trend at The moment so just a couple of examples Um it's just very basic pieces put Together so you could have a linen coord Set so a linen pair of trousers with a Linen shirt that would work really well Just things that you maybe already have In your wardrobe as well very neutral Pieces or you could go for a dress which Is very similar to what she wore on one Of these photos Um that I'm speaking about now just a Very classic kind of white tailored Dress I've actually found a couple of Similar looking ones on some websites That I'll link them down below and but You can very easily recreate these looks With loads of um pieces from loads of High Street brands of course if you're Not trying to buy anything new you can Style this trend with pieces that you

You already have so just a pair of kind Of basic jeans without any rips in you Can style it with a pair of ballet flats Or just a classic pair of flats nothing Too kind of over the top and then style It with a little blazer maybe a boucle Blazer if you have something like that In your wardrobe just very simple pieces Put together very complementary tones That's basically what I would cast them This kind of style as I think this Outfit here is also a really good kind Of representation of this trend because It's very kind of fitted tailored pieces So just a classic black trousers with This top I just feel like it works Really well if you're a big fan of this Trend so this next big summer Trend I'm Actually not really a fan of I don't Know why I just don't really like how it Looks but it's the neck corsage so I've Seen quite a lot of celebrities wear This at the moment and I've also kind of Seen more High Street bands kind of Pushing it as well so it's basically Just kind of like a ribbon around your Neck back with a flower on I don't know Why I don't like it I just feel like it Wouldn't really suit me but I've seen it Styled really well with kind of simple Dresses so just a simple black dress a Simple pink dress depending on you know What the neck corsage is so that's just Something that I've really been noticing

As kind of a trend coming up and I feel Like even more so as we go into Autumn This is really going to take off as well So not so much just the choker Styles But more the kind of flowers and things Like that at the side of it and the last But I think the most prominent fashion Trend for summer has to be pink and That's literally it just any shade of Pink so if maybe you're not into your Bright colors you could opt for Something like this look here which is More of a pale kind of pink cohort I Feel like that looks really nice if you Still kind of like your neutrals but you Still want to incorporate the trend and That would work really well Um also just it's basically everywhere Like on all of the accessories too so Even if again you're not really Massively into wearing a lot of color You could incorporate with a pink bag or A pink pair of shoes so these pink shoes That I have to show you are Incorporating the pink Trend and the Rope trend from pretty little thing I Just feel like they look really nice With a denim jacket just a very casual Relaxed look another look I've also got To show you here is this pink cohort so I've got a couple of pink colors to show You actually and I feel like these short Codes are just what I'm living in at the Moment and these were all from pistols

Thing as well I feel like that's a great Place to kind of get your trendy pieces That aren't too expensive Um so yeah I've just got this pink Colored shirt on with the pink shorts Again these would be great to wear Separately all together you could wear The shirt over your jeans and things Like that or wear the shorts with a White linen shirt instead and a white Top depending on how far you wanted to Go with the pink color and but yeah I Just feel like it's a really fun Trend And I feel like it's definitely inspired By the Barbie movie I feel like that's Really pushed that color Trend out even More and that is it let me know in the Comments which of these summer Trends Are your favorite because I always love To hear what you think let me know your Thoughts too was there any trends that You think that I've missed out that You've seen everywhere because I'd love To hear them as well I hope you have a Great day and I'll speak to you all in My next video bye guys